AP CHEMISTRY LAB LIST THE WHOLE LIST: ##. Name from "Official" AP List [Quarter, Chapter, ## in Lab Book, ## in Lab Book] 1. Determination of the formula of a compound [01, 01, xx, 05 ] 2. Determination of the percentage of water in a hydrate [01, 01, xx ] 3. Determination of molar mass by vapor density [02, 10, 13 ] 4. Determination of molar mass by freezing-point depression [02, 13, 19 ] 5. Determination of the molar volume of a gas [02, 10, xx ] 6. Standardization of a solution using a primary standard [01, 04, xx, 20A] 7. Determination of concentration by acid-base titration, [03, 16, xx, 20B] including a weak acid or weak base [03, 16, xx, 22 ] 8. Determination of concentration by oxidation-reduction titration [01, 04, 35 ] 9. Determination of mass and mole relationship in a chemical reaction [01, 04, xx ] 10. Determination of the equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction [03, 15, xx, 25 ] 11. Determination of appropriate indicators for various acid-base [ ] titrations; pH determination 12. Determination of the rate of a reaction and its order [03, 14, 27, 28 ] 13. Determination of enthalpy change associated with a reaction [01, 05, xx, 26 ] 14. Separation and qualitative analysis of cations and anions [01, 04, 29, 30 ] 15. Synthesis of a coordination compound and its chemical analysis [04, 24, xx, 34 ] 16. Analytical gravimetric determination [01, 04, 08, 09 ] 17. Colorimetric or spectrophotometric analysis [01, 06, 31 ] 18. Separation by chromatography [01, 01, 10 ] 19. Preparation and properties of buffer solutions [03, 17, 24 ] 20. Determination of electrochemical series [01, 04, 15 ] 21. Measurements using electrochemical cells and electroplating [04, 20, 16 ] 22. Synthesis, purification, and analysis of an organic compound [02, 25, xx, 39 ] Note 1: If ## in lab book is "xx" then it's one from my web site. Note 2: If multiple ##'s listed for lab book source, then we get to choose!