MHS AP Chemistry
Syllabus 10


Read Chapter 10
Do Lab 13 - MW of a Volatile Liquid
Do Activity 10a
Know PV = nRT
Study Section 10.5 - Molar Mass and Gas Densities
Study Section 10.6 - Gas Mixtures and Partial Pressures
Study Section 10.7 - Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT)
Enjoy page 375  (isn't it cool that math works?)
Study  figure 10.17, chat about "Boltzman Distribution" & evaporative cooling
Study Section 10.9 - diffusion, effusion, Graham's Law
eq. 10.23
Think about mean free path and ice skating with lots of little kids
Study Section 10.9 - Deviation from Ideality
Look At  eq. 10.27  (the "van der Waals equation")
DO  10.6, 10.10
10.16, 10.18a, 10.20
10.22ab, 10.24ab, 10.26, 10.34
10.36, 10.40, 10.44, 10.50, 10.54a
10.60, 10.62a, 10.66
10.81, [10.97]
Lab 13 Finding the Molar Mass by Vapor Density
Lab Determination of the Molar Volume of a Gas
Lab 14 Determination of R
Other Possible Labs
Lab Graham's Law
Lab Gas Producing Contest
Lab MW of Burner Gas 01
Lab MW of Burner Gas 02
Neat Problems  [These may be bonus questions on the test!]

 1. Calculate the value of R in units of gallons•tons/acre             Try in units of  miles•ounces
                                                       molecule•Rankine                                  dozen•kelvin

 2. Air is approximately 78% N2, 21% O2, 0.9% Ar, 0.05% CO2, and 0.05% CH4.  What is the molecular
     weight of air?  What is the density of air at STP?  What is the partial pressure of CO2 in
     the atmosphere at STP?

 3. Look at the equation in "Chemistry at Work" on page 379.  Each stage of a uranium isotope separation increases the
     fraction of U-238 by a ratio of 1.0043:1. About how many stages would be required to increase the ratio to 100:1?

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